Sydney Manning, Seasoned with Sydney

Hi! I'm Sydney, a native Midwesterner in my late twenties who’s located somewhere between Boston and Providence. I prefer my cheese curds to be squeaky, and adore a good nautical print.

Seasoned with Sydney is my happy little corner of the internet where you will mostly see posts about food, with a healthy sprinkling of books I'm loving, new places to explore, short essays I’ve written, and anything and everything in between.

I am:

  • A proud woman of color. If you catch me on a humid day, chances are my hair has reached unreal curl proportions.

  • A baker.

  • A Gastronomy at Boston University alum.

  • A songwriter. I’ve published three albums!

  • An aspiring author.

  • A lover of history.

  • An avid TV watcher. My DVR list grows every week, and silently judges me for it.

So make yourself comfortable and have a look around. I've got a feeling you and I are going to be famous friends.