Review: Book of the Month

review book of the month seasoned with sydney blog

There are strictly two types of readers in this world: those who always know what they want to read, and those who want to read everything but don’t know where to start. I fall into the latter category without question. I’ve got lists all over the place of books that I’ve read about and find interesting, but when it comes down to picking what to buy and read next, I suddenly feel terribly overwhelmed. And though the feeling of indecision when choosing a new book will always be a part of who I am, a newly-discovered, 94-year-old service has helped make the process much simpler for me this past year: Book of the Month.

How Book of the Month works:

Each month, a curated list of 5 new releases ranging in romance to non-fiction is announced, and members are invited to choose one from the list to make their Book of the Month for $15. If more than one title catches their eye, they can add up to two more books (either from that month or previous ones) to their box at a deeply discounted price. if they don’t like any of that month’s books, they can always choose to skip. When a month is skipped, the member won’t be charged, and their credit rolls into the next month.

Why I like it:

Along with the expected synopses of each book, Book of the Month also enlists the help of guest judges who not only tell you why they love the book but why you will, too. Past and current BOTM judges have been singer Alicia Keys, actor Abbi Jacobson, and author Jasmine Guillory, just to name a few.

Another cool thing to mention is that Book of the Month makes deals with publishers to offer early releases of highly-anticipated titles, many of which, go on to become monster bestsellers. It’s like being in an exclusive club of readers who know how special a book is before everyone else. And while all books that are curated for the month are new, Book of the Month also features some older or not-as-well-known titles that are available for purchase as well.

book of the month review book of the month worth it seasoned with sydney blog

Is Book of the Month worth it?

This is a fantastic service for people like me who love to have a sample of the latest titles presented in such a way that limits the feeling of being overwhelmed. It takes a ton of the guesswork out of what to read next and gets you excited for what new releases are on the horizon, especially if you’ve been in a bit of a reading rut. But, having said that, this is not a service for readers whose “to be read” piles grow faster than books can be replaced. Book of the Month allows members to skip any month, but if you find yourself skipping two or more months in a row because you’re running out of room for the books you’ve got, this service ultimately might not be worth it for you.

Want to learn more about BOTM? Click HERE!